Friday, February 22, 2008

Dating Days

This is at an institute activity that cody and his band played at, they were awesome! Here i am in my bartending days! Italian Sodas Rock!

Heres cody and Andy playin and singin
This is us at a party at my apartment, with our friend josh in the back ground, he set us up and he liked me, opps!

Here i am just hangin out!

Us being cuddly at the institute activity!

This is the first day cody and i met, we just had breakfast!

And of course not knowing i would meet my husband i wore no makeup and went in PJ's good thing he still loves me!

Me, after a long night of parting at the singles dance, its funny cody actually played at that dance and i didnt even see him, i was with another guy, but we met the very next morning!

I had to sing in church the sunday after we met so here we are practicing

One of my friends had emailed me all these pictures and i had saved them on my email and didnt even remember they were there untill today, so i thought it would be fun to put some on for those of you who didnt know me before cody and i got married!


Josh n Betsie said...

oh how cute. I wish we had pictures from our dating days that were digital. I guess I could scan them but that would take forever. You guys are so cute!

arah said...

Those are so cute. Your lucky to have pictures like that, not many people do.